The world as we live it today looks very different from how it did even two weeks ago. COVID-19, the infamous pandemic, has rapidly changed the way we live and work. We’ve had to adapt as a society to the reality of social distancing, working from home, staying inside and going about everyday things with caution. We can all agree, these times are downright strange. We’re seeing entire cities, states and even countries hunker down to weather this storm. With that comes the shuttering of non-essential businesses all over the world. Little did we know, our industry, the construction industry, is one of the few able to sustain our efforts in providing service to our customers.
Construction is essential.
Right there, at the bottom of the list of essential services given by Governor Baker and the DPH on March 23, 2020 worded plainly; “Construction Workers who support the construction, operation, inspection, and maintenance of construction sites and construction projects (including housing construction)” we received our go ahead.
Surely when you think about the industries that are essential to the well-being of society, things like Medical, Grocery, Life Safety and Financial are at the top of the list. You wouldn’t be wrong. However, what you might not think of, is the industry of professionals who are working tirelessly to make sure there are facilities and buildings to hold these essential functions. Next time you head to the grocery store, restaurant, pharmacy or doctor’s office, take a minute to think about the facility you’re needing in times like these was once an empty space. The construction industry and tradespeople must keep a move on, even in times of crisis, to make sure there are buildings and stores and restaurants for not only when we need them the most, but when times are good again.